Monday, June 15, 2009

self evaluation

  • How does values education work to your advantage?

The values education helps me because it helps me to know what are the real values of

education and it also shows to me how important the education is. But only the value of

education it also shows the importance of the different values in our life.

  • After you have processed your few new experiences at MCL , in what way this will help you achieve sucessful adjustment in college?

Its a little hard when you just transfer to a new school or from high school to college. New

friends, new school ,new experience , I can almost tell that its a new life. From the entrance

exam, enrolment ,to first day of school. Those are the few experience that i can use so that i

can achieve a sucessful adjustment in college. Since these are the only experiences that i

have, i will try my best to be sucessful in college and for me to ajust easily in the life of a college


  • ASS: Analyze your readiness for college using the check list "making transition from high schoolto college".

Theres a big differences from highschool to college. One is the time management, in high school

your teachers always remind you to always come on time while on college you have to be

responsible because you manage your own time. In highschool most of my friends and

classmates already know me since elementary while on college ill meet a lot of new people and

make a new friends. Its really hard because theres a lot of changes but ill try my best for me to

easily ajust.

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