Saturday, October 24, 2009

The agents of socialization


This past weeks the Philippines was in the state of calamity. All of us where surprised on

what just happened.All of us where affected, there are no

excuses,rich,poor,famous,normal people where all affected. A lot of filipipnos were

affected by the typhoon, many lives were lost,and a lot of people lost their homes and

jobs. But we shouldn't lost our hope, we can still stand, if we just help each other,with the

agents of socialization,the family,school,peer groups, and massmedia. Fisrt of all our

family, in order for us to stand and help others we should help our family first,we should

help our selves first for us to be more usefull in helping others. Second is the school,

where we consider as our second home, we should build and join a community in our

schools that have a mission to help the people who where mostly affected and need

more help. Third is peer groups, It is the one that we join to meet others, to experience

things that we usually dont experience in school, but it is not only about it,it is aslo about

helping others,it has its goal to help others,to make a good community. Fourth is the

media,it is the one that helps us to know what is happening not only in our country but in

the whole world.